Game Solution |
8. Gathering Evidence
- Note: You probably have already done much of this.
- In the master bedroom desk there is a small key in the middle drawer on the left. (If you haven't gotten it already.)
- Use the small key in the reception room on the files behind the desk
- The drawer will open and inside you will find the patient files, read the patient files to the end.
- (Optional) When the music is no playing, listen multiple times at the door to the dining room either from the main hall or kitchen.
- (Optional) Look at the parlor piano and flip the pages of the song book.
- Go to the upper hall near the servant's stairs where you'll find a jammed closet door.
- Use the crowbar to open the closet door.
- Inside you will find your dead uncle. Search the body and face to discover a bullet wound.
- Now you need to find James.